Restoration of Kainai Native Grassland and Traditional Plant Populations

Initiative Overview


Kainai First Nation, Southern Alberta, Canada


2 years 2018-2020

Major Supporters:

Government of Canada EcoAction, Alberta Ecotrust Foundation.

This initiative was inspired by Building Climate Resilience & Adaptation in the Kainai First Nation – Phase I Capacity Building.

This initiative in the Kainai First Nation weaves Blackfoot and western scientific knowledge paradigms to improve overall ecosystem health and resilience of site habitat by removing invasive plants and restoring highly diverse native species (including traditional plants) to meet cultural, economic and ecological goals.

Restoration of native grassland builds climate resilience by addressing cultural and ecological vulnerabilities in the Kainai prairie ecosystem such as changing fire regimes, invasive species, and livestock overgrazing.

Activities include a series of workshops, community events, trainings on seed collection, creating a database of traditional plants, and skill-building for control of invasive species. An important component of this initiative is the involvement of elders and other knowledge holders who advise and guide the project activities and the creation of a Grasslands Restoration Stewards Program.

There is tremendous opportunity to scale-up this initiative; interested supporters please contact